48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 [email protected] (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC

Salix caroliniana (Carolina Willow)


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This native small tree is especially important to honey bees and native bees. The fragrant yellow flowers produce abundant pollen for Native Bees and Honey Bees  when there are a few other plants blooming. . It is also larval host of 3 butterflies: Viceroy, Red-Spotted Purple, and Mourning Cloak and 6 moths: Black-waved Flannel, Blinded Sphinx, Cecropia, Elm Sphinx, Imperial, Io, and Polyphemus.

Traditional Usages: Carolina Willow has long been used to produce Medicnes, Dyes, and Structures.  The long flexible stems have long been woven into various structures, including baskets, fences, and even houses.  Bark was used to produce Yellow Dye and a Medicine for Head Ache and o For centuries, people have used willow medicinally, to produce dyes, and in making baskets. Plant in full sun or part shade in average to wet soil. Deer usually ignore willows. If deer prove problematic, interplant them with Teucrium canadense, Tripsacum dactyloides, or Verbena scabrida to protect the the them from browsing. If your space is limited, cut the stems back to the ground, whenever it gets too tall. It will then produce multiple stems from the base, becoming shrub-like.

Native to NC, SC, VA, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX, TN, WV, PA, MD, OH, IL, and IN. Also Mexico, Central Ameria, the Caribbean,  We propagate our plants from native populations in Beaufort and Jasper Cos., SC

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Qt pot, 3.5" pot, 1 gallon, 3 gallon