Has someone told you to lime your ground because it was too acidic? Save your money and save your planet. Many plants love acid soil. In fact, some will not grow well, if the soil is not acidic. Mining and shipping lime is not good for the planet. Why not choose one of these plants that thrive in acid soil. (We grow many other plants that thrive in acid soil, we will add them to this list, as time permits.)
Showing all 10 results
Acmella repens (formerly Spilanthes americana) (Creeping Spotflower)
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Bacopa caroliniana (Lemon Bacopa, Blue Water-hyssop) SKU-BACCAR
$6.00 -
Cicuta maculata var. maculata (Water Hemlock) SKU-CICMAC
$7.00Native evergreen perennial with handsome foliage and beautiful flowers. Best larval host for Black Swallowtail Butterflies. Pollinated by numerous species of native pollinating insects: Bees, wasps, flies and beetles. Birds are attracted to the seeds and insects that feed on it. Though toxic to humans, it has also been used medicinally. Though native to all but 6 of the lower 48 states: WA, NV, UT, NM, WY, MT. Rarely offered for sale. Propagation source: Native Populations: Beaufort Co., SC. Sun or Part Shade. Average to Wet. Deer Resistant. Salt-water tolerant.
Eutrochium dubium (formerly Eupatorium dubium) (Coastal plain Joe-Pye weed)
$8.00 -
Gordonia lasianthus (Loblolly Bay)
$90.00 -
Hexastylis arifolia (Heart-leaf, Wild Ginger, Little Brown Jugs)
$10.00 -
Illicium parviflorum (Yellow Anise/ Ocala Anise)
$70.00 -
Justicia ovata var. ovata (Looseflower Water-willow)
$6.00 -
Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed Loosestrife)
$8.001′-2.5′ Native Perennial. Blooms from late Spring until Fall. Attracts oil bees which only feed on Lysimachia sps. Overwinters as brilliantly hued rosette. Spreads by seeds and short stolons. Used medicinally. Plant in shade to part shade. Average to wet soil. Tolerates seasonal flooding. Acid to circumneutral soil. It is pollinated by oil bees that only feed on Lysimachia. Hardy Zones 4-9. Native to most of Eastern and Central US and Canada. We propagated our plants from a native population in Screven Co., GA. We have been growing it since 2016. First in Southeastern US?
Wisteria frutescens (American Wisteria)
$12.00 – $20.00Well behaved native deciduous vine. Fragrant flowers attract native bees and butterflies. Larval host of 5 different butterflies. Main bloom April-May, Rebloom in summer. Average to wet soils. Sun or part-shade. Deer-resistant. NOT A CULTIVAR: Propagated from native populations in Beaufort, Colleton, and Dorchester Co.,
5/22/22 We expect to have more Wisteria frutescens available within a month. They may be in a different size. Please check back!