48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 danielpayne@naturescapesofbeaufort.com (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC

Alpinia zerumbet (Shell Ginger/ Pink Porcelain Lily)


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This 5-8′ tall Asian evergreen perennial with 3′ long dark green leaves produces exquisite flowers from May- July in Coastal SC.  Strong stalks due not flop over some members of this family. Thrives in partly shaded moist soil. Both leaves and rhizomes are used as food and medicine in China, Japan and other parts of Asia. Scientific studies have isolated numerous medicinal compounds from the plant. Some studies suggest that consuming Alpinia zerumbet contribute to longevity in animals and in humans. Click on this link to read about one study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5852742/ 

I bought my original plants from Grandiflora nursery in Florida. That nursery has since closed. They were sold to me as “Thai Ginger”. I planted them in a moist/sometimes wet organic rich soil in part shade.  They have thrived and spread.  A few times some of the leaves have been cold damaged, but they have always put out new growth in the Spring.   My Taiwanese friend and former Asian restaurant owner, May Hong,  cooked them in a Thai dish when she visited my home. It was delicious. I ate some flowers raw today 6/27/19. They were pretty good. 

They are growing in beds. Please place your order a few days to a week before picking them up so that we can get them ready. If you need some shipped to you, notify us and I will update the catalog so that you can place your order. 


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3 gallon


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