48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 danielpayne@naturescapesofbeaufort.com (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC

Ipomoea sagitatta (Saltmarsh Morning-glory)


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This native perennial vine bloom can bloom any month when temperatures stay above freezing attracting butterflies, native bees (including the Morning-glory Bee)  and hummingbirds. They open early in the morning and close in the afternoon. During overcast days, they remain open all day.   They are larval hosts of several moths including Morning-glory Prominent, Morning-glory Plume Moth, Morning-glory Hawk Moth,  PInk-spotted Hawk Moth,  Herbivorous Pleuroptya Moth,. In Texas and Mexico, they are larval hosts of Purplish-black Skipper and Morning-glory Pellicia Butterflies as well. Several species of Tortoise Beetles feed on the foliage as well. The abundance of insects make Salt Marsh Morning-glory vines great hunting areas for birds. Morning-glories have been used medicinally for various ailments.

Unlike the nonnative  invasive Ipomoea indica (Blue Dawnflower) which can completely cover large shrubs and small trees, Saltmarsh Morning-glory is a modest grower that is easy to control.  Plant in full sun or part shade. Native to the upper margins edges of salt marshes where they are subject to spring tides and marshes where freshwater inflow, moderates the salinity,  They  will also thrive in average to moist areas away from salt water.  They are normally deer-resistant. If deer browsing is severe, interplant them with one of the the deer baffles.  Plant on a trellis or allow it to climb in other vegetation. Native on the coast from NC south to FL and west to TX, We propagated our plants from a native populations in Beaufort Co., SC.

Additional information

Weight 0.33 kg
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × 7 in

3.5" Pot Dormant, 3.5" pot


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