Come visit Smiley and me at Coastal Wildscapes Fall Plant Sale at Ashantilly Plantation in Darien, GA tomorrow, Saturday 9/22/18 from 9am-1 pm. We are getting plants ready to load now (Well, I’m getting the plants ready. Smiley is providing me emotional support.) Look over the list. Message me what plants that you would like me to bring. TText my cell “plant order” so I will check for your message, My cell is a flip phone so don’t text me the order.. too hard to read,. Search the catalog for plant descriptions. (some of them are in there). Many and few refer to #’s available. Few can mean “1” or “2”, so reserve them if you want them.
I noticed a few additions since creating the list: RHYCOL Rhynchospora colorata/ Dichromena colorata (White-top Sedge), Eragrostis refracta (Coastal Lovegrass), Agalinis fasciculata (Beach False-foxglove), Chamacrista nicticans var. nicticans (Southern Sensitive Plant) and Carex flaccosperma (Blue Woodland Sedge.)
We also are growing some really cool heirloom plants like the Deutzia scabra (Pride of Rochester) that I propagated from an abandoned garden in McIntosh Co., GA and Hyptis verticilliata (John Charles) a medicinal herb that I found in a Gullah cemetery in Jasper Co., SC., Canna indica (Indianshot Canna) and Hippeastrum x johnsonii (St. Joseph’s Lilies) and have a few of each available
All of our plants are propagated from local populations (over 90% Coastal Ga or Coastal SC). They are adapted to our local conditions. We are the only nursery in the area dedicated to growing our plants from local populations. Many of the species we offer are not available anywhere else.
I had hoped to post a list with preferred garden conditions and wildlife benefits, but it has taken me a long time to figure out how to post this list. If I can, I will update the list a little later.
Not sure what woudl grow best in your garden? Bring me samples of the remnant native vegetation and weeds in your garden and I will help you pick the right plants. I would also be willing to visit one or two gardens on the way back, to advise what and where to plant.. Can’t make it to Ashantilly but live between Beaufort and Darien? Send me an order, and I can meet you along the way tomorrow afternoon.
See you tomorrow! native plant availability 9/17/18. Quantities limited. Reserve through website If plants not on website yet contact through form on website. Use SKUS in message. or [email protected] or (843) 525-9454. I am running the nursery alone. Thank you for helping me reduce my office drudgery. See you in Darien, Saturday.
SKU avl 9 17 18 Catalog Title
ACMREP Many Acmella repens (Creeping Spotflower)
ADICAP Few Adiantum capillus-veneris (Southern Maidenhair Fern)
AGEALT Few Ageratina altissima var. altissima (Greater White Snakeroot)
AMPCAR Few Ampelaster carolinianus (Climbing Aster)
ANDTEN Few Andropogon tenuispatheus (Maritime Bluestem)
ASCPER Few Asclepias perennis (Swampforest Milkweed)
BACANG-F Few Baccharis angustifolia (False Willow/ Narrow-leaved Groundsel Bush) Female
BACGLO-U Few Baccharis glomeruliflora (Bunchflowered Groundsel-bush) Unsexed
BACMON Few Bacopa monnieri (Monnier’s Water-hyssop)
BOECYL Few Boehmeria cylindrica (False Nettle)
BOLAST Few Boltonia asteroides (Eastern Doll’s Eyes)
BORFRU Few Borrichia frutescens (Sea Oxeye)
CANFLA Few Canna flaccida (Southern Marsh Canna)
CELLAE Few Celtis laevigata (Sugarberry/ Southern Hackberry)
CENVIR Few Centrosema virginianum (Spurred Butterfly Pea)
CEPOCC Few Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush)
CHATOM Few Chaptalia tomentosa (Sunbonnets)
CHEDES Few Chenopodium dessicatCaum (Entire-leafed Goosefoot)
CICMAC Few Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock)
CLIGEO Few Clinopodium georgianum (Georgia Mint)
COMERE Many Commelina erecta var. angustifolia (Sand Dayflower)
COMVIR Few Commelina virginica (Virginia Dayflower)
CONCOE Many Conoclinium coelestinum (Hardy Ageratum)
CORLIN Few Coreopsis linifolia (Savanna Coreopsis)
CORPAL Few Coreopsis palustris (Beadle’s Coreopsis)
CRAFLA Few Crataegus flava (Dwarf Hawthorn)
CUTGRA Few Cuthbertia graminea (Grassleafed Roseling)
CUTROS Few Cuthbertia rosea (Piedmont Roseling)
DICBRA-SCR Few Dicliptera brachiata (Branched Foldwing)
DIOVIR Few Diodia virginiana (Virginia Buttonweed)
DYSANT Few Dysphania anthelmintica (Wormseed/ Epazote)
ENDSER Few Endodeca serpentaria (Virginia Snakeroot)
EQUBLB Few Equisetum hyemale (“Bluffton Biggies” Horsetails)
EQUSHS Few Equisetum hyemale (“Sheldon Shorties” Horsetails)
ERAELL Few Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott’s Lovegrass)
EUPCOM Few Eupatorium compositifolium (Coastal Dog-fennel)
EUPPER Few Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset)
EUSPET Few Eustachys petraea (Dune Finger-grass)
EUTDUB Few Eutrochium dubium/ Eupatorium dubium (Coastal Plain Joe-pye-weed)
FLEINC Few Fleischmannia incarnata (Pink Thoroughwort)
FRAVIR Many Fragaria virginiana (Wild Strawberry)
GALTRI Few Galium triflorum (Fragrant Bedstraw)
GELSEM Few Gelsemium sempervirens (Carolina Jessamine)
GEUCAN Few Geum canadense (Canada Avens)
GLACAN Few Glandularia canadensis / Verbena canadensis (Rose Verbena)
HELANG Few Helianthus angustifolius (Swamp Sunflower)
HELHEL Few Heliopsis helianthoides var. gracilis (Sunflower Oxeye)
HELCUR Few Heliotropium curassavicum (Seaside Heliotrope)
HETMEL Few Heteropogon melanocarpus (Sweet Tanglehead)
HIBMOS Few Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. Moscheutos (Eastern Rose-mallow)
HYPALL Few Hypericum sp. (“Allendale” St. John’s Wort)
HYPTET Few Hypericum tetrapetalum (Fourpetal St. John’s Wort)
IMPCAP Few Impatiens capensis (Spotted Jewelweed/ S. Touch-me-not)
IONLIN Few Ionactis linariifolia
IPOIMP Few Ipomoea imperati (Beach Morning-glory)
IRIHEX Few Iris hexagona (Dixie Iris)
IRITRI Few Iris tridentata (Savannah Iris)
IVAIMB Few Iva imbricata (Dune Marsh-elder)
JUSOVA Many Justicia ovata var. ovata (Coastal Plain Water-willow)
KOSPEN Few Kosteletzkya pentacarpos/ K. virginica (Seashore Mallow)
LILCAR Many Lilaeopsis carolinensis (Carolina Lilaeopsis)
LONSEM Few Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle)
MALDRU Few Malvaviscus drummondii (Drummond’s Turk’s Turban)
MARGRA Few Marshallia sps. (Barbara’s Buttons)
MECPRO Many Mecardonia procumbens (Baby Jump-up)
MELASH Few Melanthera nivea (“Ashantilly” Salt and Pepper)
MIKCOR Few Mikania cordifolia (Heartleaf Climbing Hempweed)
MITREP Few Mitchella repens (Partridge Berry)
MUHSER Few Muhlenbergia sericea (Dune Sweetgrass)
OENRIP Few Oenothera riparia (Riverbanks Sundrops)
OPUSTS Few Opuntia stricta var. stricta (Erect Prickly-pear)
ORTSCO Few Orthosia scoparia/ Cynanchum scoparium (Leafless Swallow-wort)
OSMAME Few Osmanthus americanus (Devilwood/ Wild Olive)
PACTOM Few Packera tomentosa (Woolly Groundsel)
PASLUT Few Passiflora lutea (Yellow Passionflower)
PENAUS Few Penstemon australis (Southern Beardtongue)
PHIINO Few Philadelphus inodorus (Appalachian Mock Orange)
PHYWAL Few Physalis walteri (Dune Groundcherry)
PIPAVE Few Piptochaetium avenaceum (Eastern Needlegrass)
PORPIL Few Portulaca pilosa (Kiss-me-quick/ Chisme)
PRUVUL Few Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata (American Heal-all/ Self-heal)
PRUSER Few Prunus serotina (Wild Cherry)
ROSCAR Few Rosa carolina (Carolina Rose)
ROSPAL Few Rosa palustris (Swamp Rose)
RUDLAC Few Rudbeckia laciniata var. digitata (Coastal Plain Cut-leaf Coneflower)
RUECAR Few Ruellia caroliniensis (Carolina Wild Petunia)
SAGMIN Few Sageretia minutiflora (Fragrant Buckthorn)
SALLYR Many Salvia lyrata (Lyreleaf Sage)
SAMCAN Few Sambucus canadensis (American Elderberry)
SAUCER Many Saururus cernuus (Lizard Tails)
SCODUL Few Scoparia dulcis (Sweetbroom)
SCUINB Few Scutellaria integrifolia (Blue Common Skullcaps)
SCUINP Few Scutellaria integrifolia (Pink Common Skullcaps)
SESPOR Few Sesuvium portulacastrum (Shoreline Sea-purslane)
SIDELL Few Sida elliottii (Elliott’s Fanpetals)
SISSPS Few Sisyrinchium sp. (Blue-eyed Grass)
SOLMEX Many Solidago mexicana/ S. sempervirens var. mexicana (Southern Seaside Goldenrod)
SOLPUR Few Solidago sp. (Purplestem Goldenrod)
STOLAE Few Stokesia laevis (Stokesia)
SUALIN Few Suaeda linearis (Seablite)
TEUCAN Few Teucrium canadensis (Woodsage/ American Germander)
THEKUN Many Thelypteris kunthii (Southern Shield Fern)
TRISTRI Few Triglochin striata (Three-rib Arrowgrass)
STRHEL Few trophostyles helvula (Perennial Sand Bean)
VERSCA Few Verbena scabra (Sandpaper Verbena)
VICCAR Few Vicia caroliniana (Carolina Vetch)
VIOINT Many Viola sps. (Integrated Violets)
WISFRU Few Wisteria frutescens (American Wisteria)
YUCALO Few Yucca aloifolia (Spanish Bayonet)
YUCGLO Many Yucca gloriosa (Mound-lily Yucca)