48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 [email protected] (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC

Coastal Georgia Friends Part #2

Sharing is caring!

These are the plants that we are taking to Coastal Wildscapes Fall Plant Sale at Ashantilly Plantation in Darien, GA today 9/22/18. (Many of the plants are huge) Stop by and visit Smiley and me! Thank you!


SKU V Catalog Title PRICE ON WS
ACMREP-3.5 Acmella repens (Creeping Spotflower) $5.00
ANDTEN-3.5 Andropogon tenuispatheus (Maritime Bluestem) $4.00
ANDTEN-1G Andropogon tenuispatheus (Maritime Bluestem) $8.00
BACANG-F-1G Baccharis angustifolia (False Willow/ Narrow-leaved Groundsel Bush) Female $12.00
BACGLO-U-3G Baccharis glomeruliflora (Bunchflowered Groundsel-bush) Unsexed $15.00
BACMON-3.5 Bacopa monnieri (Monnier’s Water-hyssop) $5.00
CELLAE-3.5 Celtis laevigata (Sugarberry/ Southern Hackberry) $6.00
CENVIR-1G Centrosema virginianum (Spurred Butterfly Pea) $12.00
CEPOCC-1G Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush) $15.00
CHANIC-NIC-1G Chamaecrista nicticans var. nicticans (Common Sensitive Plant) $5.00
CHEDES-3.5 Chenopodium dessicatCaum (Entire-leafed Goosefoot) $6.00
CICMAC-3.5 Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock) $6.00
CLECAT-1G Clematis catesbyana (Coastal Virgin’s Bower) $10.00
CLIGEO-3.5 Clinopodium georgianum (Georgia Mint) $7.00
CLIGEO-1G Clinopodium georgianum (Georgia Mint) $15.00
COMERE-3.5 Commelina erecta var. angustifolia (Sand Dayflower) $5.00
COMVIR-1G Commelina virginica (Virginia Dayflower) $8.00
CORPAL-3.5 Coreopsis palustris (Beadle’s Coreopsis) $10.00
CRAUNI-QT Crataegus uniflora (Dwarf Hawthorn) $15.00
CUTROS-3.5 Cuthbertia rosea (Piedmont Roseling) $8.00
DICBRA-SCR-3.5 Dicliptera brachiata (Branched Foldwing) $6.00
EQUBLB-QT Equisetum hyemale (“Bluffton Biggies” Horsetails) $8.00
ERAELL-3.5 Eragrostis elliottii (Elliott’s Lovegrass) $6.00
EUPCOM-3.5 Eupatorium compositifolium (Coastal Dog-fennel) $5.00
EUSPET-3.5 Eustachys petraea (Dune Finger-grass) $6.00
FLEINC-1G Fleischmannia incarnata (Pink Thoroughwort) $12.00
GALTRI-3.5 Galium triflorum (Fragrant Bedstraw) $6.00
HELHEL-3.5 Heliopsis helianthoides var. gracilis (Sunflower Oxeye) $6.00
HELCUR-3.5 Heliotropium curassavicum (Seaside Heliotrope) $4.00
HIBLAE Hibiscus laevis (Smooth Rose-mallow) $12.00
HIBMOS-1G Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. Moscheutos (Eastern Rose-mallow) $8.00
IMPCAP-3.5 Impatiens capensis (Spotted Jewelweed/ S. Touch-me-not) $4.00
IVAIMB-1G Iva imbricata (Dune Marsh-elder) $10.00
JUSOVA-3.5 Justicia ovata var. ovata (Coastal Plain Water-willow) $4.00
LONSEM-3.5 Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle) $6.00
MALDRU-QT Malvaviscus drummondii (Drummond’s Turk’s Turban) $10.00
MARGRA-3.5 Marshallia sps. (Barbara’s Buttons) $8.00
MECPRO-3.5 Mecardonia procumbens (Baby Jump-up) $6.00
ORTSCO-3.5 Orthosia scoparia/ Cynanchum scoparium (Leafless Swallow-wort) $8.00
PANVIR-3.5 Panicum virgatum var. virgatum (Switchgrass) $6.00
PHIINO-3G Philadelphus inodorus (Appalachian Mock Orange) $30.00
PORPIL-3.5 Portulaca pilosa (Kiss-me-quick/ Chisme) $4.00
PRUVUL-3.5 Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata (American Heal-all/ Self-heal) $6.00
RHYCOL-AWE-3.5 Rhynchospora colorata (Narrowleaf Whitetop Sedge) Awendaw $6.00
ROSCAR-1G Rosa carolina (Carolina Rose) $15.00
ROSPAL-1G Rosa palustris (Swamp Rose) $10.00
ROSPAL-3G Rosa palustris (Swamp Rose) $20.00
SAGMIN-3G Sageretia minutiflora (Fragrant Buckthorn) $60.00
SESPOR-3.5 Sesuvium portulacastrum (Shoreline Sea-purslane) $5.00
SIDELL-QT Sida elliottii (Elliott’s Fanpetals) $20.00
SOLPUR-3.5 Solidago sp. (Purplestem Goldenrod) $7.00
SYMPIL-3.5 Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum (Frost Aster) $5.00
TEUCAN-3.5 Teucrium canadensis (Woodsage/ American Germander) $4.00
THEKUN-3.5 Thelypteris kunthii (Southern Shield Fern) $6.00
THEPAL-3.5 Thelypteris palustris (Eastern Marsh Fern) $4.00
YUCGLO-3.5 Yucca gloriosa (Mound-lily Yucca) $12.00