Showing 17–25 of 25 results
Narcissus tazetta ‘Grand Primo’ (Grand Primo’ Narcissus)
$10.00 -
Nothoscordum bivalve (American False Garlic) SKU-NOTBIV
$7.00 -
Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethelehem)
$5.00 -
Petunia x hybrida (Old-fashioned Reseeding Petunias)
Phlox carolina (Carolina Phlox)
$6.00 -
Rosa sp. “Susie Green” (“Susie Green’s Rambling Rose” )
$15.00 – $30.00Non-native heirloom rambling rose. Flowers in Spring. Great Shelter for Birds and Small Mammals. Disease Free. Non-Invasive. Old Garden, Bibb Co., GA.
Stokesia laevis (Stokesia or Stoke’s Aster)
$6.00 -
Vernicia fordii (Tung-oil Tree) 3g
$40.00 -
Viola sps. (Integrated Violets) SKU-VIOINT