48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 danielpayne@naturescapesofbeaufort.com (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC

Equisetum sp. (“Sheldon Shorties” Horsetails) SKU-EQUSHS


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Available on backorder


In 2010, I found these little horsetails growing out of a railway bed in Sheldon, Beaufort Co., SC. Originally, I thought they were stunted from herbicides, but they have stayed much shorter (1’2′) and easier to contain than is typical for the species (4′-6′ ) after many years of growth under the same condtions. They thrive in average to wet soil in full sun to part shade. Deer do not eat them, if you allow them to spread among your perennials, they will protect the others from deer browsing. If you want to control them, they do great in containers also. Horsetails were traditionally used medicinally and for scouring pots.

We will have Sheldon Shorties this summer. Order them not to reserve them. We will send them when ready

Additional information

Weight 0.33 kg
Dimensions 2.7 × 2.7 × 11.5 in