48 Sherman Drive Beaufort, SC 29907 danielpayne@naturescapesofbeaufort.com (843) 525 9454 and (843) 592-8150 (try both)

Naturescapes of Beaufort, SC


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I was looking for some old correspondence on  my computer  when I came across a list of plants that I was growing in 2003. We (I was married and had a young daughter then) moved to Beaufort from Aiken in 1991. We had a moving van and our car (I think). I filled every spare space with plants whichI had rescued or propagated from around Aiken. I went back to get more of the plants. I donated the rest of my plants to USC Aiken because we couldn’t afford to make a third trip.  Beaufort was growing really fast, so I raced before the bulldozers to rescue more plants. 
 Somewhere I have nursery lists from the early ’90s but they are handwritten. I don’t remember where I stashed them. My brother gave me his old computer in ’03 or maybe ’02. Then my friends, Judy Birchenough ( I hope I didn’t butcher the spelling of her name) and Bill Hodgins taught me how to use it. This is one of the oldest digital lists that I have.  
What were my reactions when I read this list. First, I cringed.  There are misspelled plant names and some of the plants were misidentified.  (Give me a break, I didn’t start on Masters until the fall of 04.  Second, I didn’t remember that I was growing all of these plants, back then 3) I still had a few oddball plants had more plants that I had propagated from garden populations then. Fourth,  It was a pretty broad inventory considering what I had to work with. The nursery in the side yard of a mobile home. (Part of it is still in the side yard, but most of it is in the front yard now.) I had one helper then and we spent most of our time doing plant surveys and garden work. We had no greenhouse or irrigation systems back then.  
Naturescapes Inventory 11/12/03 size(s)aval. # avl. wetland Price
Horticulturist Daniel C. Payne
(843) 525-9454 
Native Trees and Shrubs
Aesculus pavia Red Buckeye 1g 2 $8.00
Asimina triloba Paw Paw 3g 7 x $15.00
Baccharis halimifolia Sea Myrtle 1g 3 x $7.00
Baccharis halimifolia Sea Myrtle 3g 5 x $15.00
Baccharis glomeruliflora Bunch-flowered Groundsel Bush 3g 2 x $15.00 one male, one female
Bumelia lycioides Buckthorn Bumelia 1g 1 $10.00
Callicarpa americana Beautyberry 3g 8 $15.00
Callicarpa americana Beautyberry 1g 6 $7.00
Celtis laevigata Sugarberry 7g 1 $30.00
Clinopodium georgianum Georgia Mint 1/2g 35 $8.00
Corylus americana American Hazelnut 3g 2 $10.00
Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea 3g 2 $10.00
Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew’s Cross 1/2g 5 $5.00
Itea virginica Virginia Sweetspire 1g 5 x $7.00
Malus angustifolia Southern Crabapple 7g 1 $25.00
Morus rubra Red Mulberry 1g 1 $10.00
Prunus caroliniana Carolina Cherrylaurel 1g 3 $10.00
Prunus caroliniana Carolina Cherrylaurel 3″ 20 $4.00
Prunus serotina Wild Cherry 3g 1 $15.00
Prunus serotina Wild Cherry 1/2g 2 $5.00
Persea borbonia Red Bay 3g 9 $15.00
Persea borbonia Red Bay 1g 6 $10.00
Rosa palustris Swamp Rose 1g 1 x $7.00
Rosa palustris Swamp Rose 3g 7 x $17.00
Rosa palustris Swamp Rose 7g 7 x $30.00
Rosa palustris Swamp Rose 15g 2 x $40.00
Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain Willow 1g 1 $7.00
Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 1g 1 x $10.00
Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3g 6 x $15.00
Ulmus alata Winged Elm 7g 2 $30.00
Viburnum nudum Possumhaw Viburnum 3g 3 x $15.00
Viburnum obovatum Walter’s Viburnum 1/2g ?
Native Vines
Aster caroliniana Carolina Aster 1g 3 x $7.00
Berchemia scandens Alabama Supplejack 3g 1 $12.00
Clematis virginiana Virgin’s Bower 1g 4 $7.00
Decumaria barbara Climbing Hydrangea 1g 5 x $10.00
Ipomoea pandurata Manroot Morning-glory 1g ? $7.00
Ipomoea macrorhiza Shell Midden Morning-glory 1/2g 17 $10.00
Ipomoea macrorhiza Shell Midden Morning-glory 1g 3 $15.00
Ipomoea macrorhiza Shell Midden Morning-glory 3g 7 $30.00
Lonicera sempervirens Trumpet Honeysuckle 3″ 4 $3.00
Native Ferns
Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort 3″ 5 $3.00
Athyrium felixfemina Lady Fern 1g 65 x $7.00
Thelypteris kunthii Southern Shield Fern 1g 3 x $7.00
Equisetum sp. Horse Tails 3g 16 x $7.00
Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern 1g 18 x $7.00
Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern ? x
Grasses & Sedges
Carex floridana Florida Sedge 3″ 50 $3.00
Dichanthelium spp. Witch Grasses 3″ 45 $3.00
Oplismenius setarius Basket Grass 3″ 5 $3.00
Setaria magna Giant Foxtail Grass ? x
Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamma Grass 1″ 225 x $1.00
1g $3.00
Native Perennials
Allium bivalve False Garlic 4″ 51 $3.00
Aster elliottii? Southern Swamp Aster 1g 24 x $7.00
Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettle 1g x $7.00
Cicuta maculata Water Hemlock 1g 23 x $7.00
Commelina virginica Virginia Dayflower 1g ? x $7.00 many in beds
Elephantopus sp. Elephant’s Feet 3″ 10 $3.00
Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master 1g 8 $7.00
Erythrina herbacea Cherokee Bean 1g 4 $7.00
Eupatorium coelestinun Hardy Ageratum 1g ? $7.00 many in beds
Euthamia microcephala Small Headed Goldenrod ? x
Euthamia tenuifolia Flat-topped Goldenrod ? x
Helenium vernale? Sneezeweed 6″ 3 x $5.00
Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower 1g 53 x $7.00
Helianthus sp. “Woodland Sunflower” ?
Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke 1g 5 $7.00
Heterotheca graminifolia Silkgrass 3″ ? $3.00
Hexastylis arifolia Heartleaf, Wild Ginger 1g 2 $10.00 more in beds
Hibiscus aculeatus Pineland Hibiscus ? x
Hibiscus grandiflorus Large-flowered Hibiscus 3″ 3 x
Hibiscus laevis Halbred-leaved Marsh-Mallow 3g ? x $15.00
Hibiscus mosceutos Eastern Rose-Mallow ? x
Hymenocallis sp. Spider Lilly 1g 5? x
Hyptis alata Bitter Mint 3g 1 x $15.00
Iris virginica Blue Flag Iris 1g 8 x $7.00
Kosteletskya virginica Seashore Mallow 3″ ? x $3.00
Krigia dandelion Potato Dandlelion 1g 15 $7.00
Lobelia sp.(blue) Blue Lobelia 3″ 5 x $4.00
Lycopus virginicus Gypsywort ? x
Mitchella repens Partridge Berry 3″ 60 $4.00
Monarda punctata Dotted Horsemint 1g 2 $7.00
Oxalis violacea Native Woodsorrel 3″ 60 $4.00 dormant
Phlox sp. Phlox 3″ 10 $3.00
Physostegia virginica Obedient Plant 1g 0 x
Physostegia virginica Obedient Plant 3″ 36 x $3.00
Pontederia cordata Pickerel Weed ? x
Prunella vulgaris Heal-all 3″ 20
Pycnanthem pycnanthioides Mountain Mint 1g 9 $7.00
Ruellia caroliniana Ruellia, Wild Petunia 1/2g 20 $5.00
Salvia lyrata Lyre-leaf Sage 1g 3 $7.00
Salvia lyrata Lyre-leaf Sage 3″ 3 $3.00
Saururus cernuus Lizard Tails 1g 20 x $7.00
Scutellaria intregifolia Skullcap ? x
Sisyrinchium sp. Blue-eyed Grass 3″ 22 x $3.00
Solidago caesia Wreath Goldenrod ? in beds
Solidago odora Sweet Goldenrod 3″ ? $3.00
Spilanthes americana Spilanthes 3″ 3 x $3.00
Stokesia laevis Stokesia 0
Teucrium canadensis Wood Sage 1g 22 x $7.00
Teucrium canadensis Wood Sage 3″ 0 x
Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort 1g 2 $7.00
Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort 3″ 20 $3.00
Verbena urticifolia Nettleleaved Verbena ?
Verbesina occidentalis. Southern Crownbeard 1g 8 $7.00
Verbesina virginica Common Frostweed 7g 1 $20.00
Verbesina virginica Common Frostweed 3g 2 $15.00
Verbesina virginica Common Frostweed 1g 26 $7.00
Verbesina walteri Walter’s Wingstem 3g 2 $15.00
Verbesina walteri Walter’s Wingstem 1g 35 $7.00
Vilola floridana (white) Violets(white) 3″ 135
Viola spp. “Deep purple” Violets (deep purple) 1g 9 $7.00
Viola spp. “Deep purple” Violets (deep purple) 3″ 18 $3.00
Viola spp. “Rosy purple” Violets (rosy purple) 3″ 10 $3.00
Viola spp. “Rosy purple” Violets (rosy purple) 3″ $3.00
Viola spp. “Confederate” Violets (confederate) 28 $3.00
Viola spp. Color Unknown Violets (mixed) 1g 23 $7.00
Viola spp. Color Unknown Violets (mixed) 3″ 25 $3.00
Zephyranthes atamasco Atamasco Lillies 3″ 18 x $4.00
Native Reseeding Annuals & Biennials
Impatiens capensis Touch Me Nots, Jewelweed 3″ 70 x $3.00
Oenothera biennis Bienniel Evening Primrose 1g 0
Oenothera biennis Bienniel Evening Primrose 3″ 9 $3.00
“Old Fashioned Introductions
Achillea millefolium Yarrow 0
Aelstroemeria Aelstroemeria, Peanut Lillies 1g 15 $7.00
Aleurites sp. Tung Oil 0
Allium “Egyptian Onion” Egyptian Onion” 0
Cassia sp. Cassia 1g 6 $7.00
Chrysanthemum leucanthenum Oxeye Daisy ?
Crocosmia Crocosmia, Montbretia 1g 6 $7.00
Daubentonia punicea Daubentonia 3″ 0 $4.00
Foeniculum vulgare Fennel 1g 4 $7.00
Gladiolus (old fashioned) Gladiolus ( Naturalizing) 1g 13 $7.00 more in beds
Hedychium sp. Butterfly Ginger ?
Hemerocallis fulva Daylillies (Naturalizing) 1g 32 $7.00
Leucojum sp. Snowflakes 1g 46 $7.00
Lilium sp. Lilies of the Field 1g 8 $7.00
Lycoris radiata Spider Lilies, Naked Ladies 1g 16 $7.00
Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm 1/2g 10 $3.00
Melochia radiata Brazilian Hibiscus 7g 0
Melochia radiata Brazilian Hibiscus 3g 4 $15.00
Melochia radiata Brazilian Hibiscus 1g 7 $7.00
Mirabilis jalapa Four O’Clocks 1g 5 $7.00
Rosa “Carpenter Lane” Rose (Hardy Varieties) ?
Rosa “Milledgeville Gallica” Rose (Hardy Varieties) 3g 3 $20.00
Rosa “Milledgeville Gallica” Rose (Hardy Varieties) 1g 5 $10.00
Rosa “Port Republic” Rose (Hardy Varieties) ?
Rosa “White Lady Banks” Rose (Hardy Varieties) 1g 2 $10.00
Talinum paniculatum Jewels of Opar 1g 15 $7.00
Zizyphus jujube Jujube 1g $7.00