Showing 33–48 of 73 results
Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle)
$8.00 – $25.00 -
Melanthera nivea (Salt and Pepper/ Snow Squarestem)
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Melica mutica (Two-flower Melic Grass)
$7.00 -
Muhlenbergia sericea (Sweetgrass or Dune Hairgrass) SKU-MUHSER
$8.00 -
Nothoscordum bivalve (American False Garlic) SKU-NOTBIV
$7.00 -
Oenothera simulans aka Gaura angustifolia (Southern Beeblossum or Morning-honeysuckle)
$8.00 -
Opuntia stricta var. stricta (Erect Prickly-pear) 1g
$15.00 -
Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethelehem)
$5.00 -
Packera tomentosa syn. Senecio tomentosus) (Woolly Groundsel)
$5.00 – $10.00 -
Passiflora incarnata (Maypop or Native Passionflower)
$8.00 -
Petunia x hybrida (Old-fashioned Reseeding Petunias)
Philadelphus inodorus (Appalachian Mock-Orange)
$25.00 – $40.00Native deciduous shrub. 6′ -12′ tall. Especially important for Native Bees. Nesting and shelter sites for songbirds. Sun-part shade. Drought tolerant.
Phlox pilosa (Downy Phlox) SKU-PHLPIL
$6.00 -
Phyla nodiflora (formerly Lippia nodiflora) (Creeping Frogfruit)
$4.00 – $6.00Native, Evergreen, Groundcover, Lawn Substitute, Flowers Attract Native Bees, Butterflies, Skippers, Beneficial Insects. Larval Host, Deer resistant, Salt Tolerant,
Physalis walteri (Dune Groundcherry)
$8.00 -
Physostegia virginiana ssp. virginiana (“Lucille Greenly” Northern Obedient Plant)