Showing 113–128 of 221 results
Lilium lancifolium (Eleanor Rice’s Tiger Lily)
$7.00 -
Lobelia elongata (Purple Lobelia, Longleaf Lobelia)
$9.00 -
Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle)
$8.00 – $25.00 -
Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion)
$10.00 -
Lycopus americanus (American Bugleweed/ American Water Horehound) SKU-LYCSPS
$5.00Native perennial. Purplish foliage. Larval host of Hermit Sphinx. Pollinated by various bees, wasps and flies. Used as dye for skin and hair. Reported to be edible and medicinal. Sun or shade. Average to wet. Deer-resistant.
Lysimachia ciliata (Fringed Loosestrife)
$8.001′-2.5′ Native Perennial. Blooms from late Spring until Fall. Attracts oil bees which only feed on Lysimachia sps. Overwinters as brilliantly hued rosette. Spreads by seeds and short stolons. Used medicinally. Plant in shade to part shade. Average to wet soil. Tolerates seasonal flooding. Acid to circumneutral soil. It is pollinated by oil bees that only feed on Lysimachia. Hardy Zones 4-9. Native to most of Eastern and Central US and Canada. We propagated our plants from a native population in Screven Co., GA. We have been growing it since 2016. First in Southeastern US?
Lysimachia lanceolata (Lanceleaf Loosestrife)
$12.00 -
Lythrum lanceolatum / Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum (Southern Winged Loosestrife)
$7.00 -
Marshallia obovata (Piedmont Barbara’s Buttons)
$10.00 -
Mecardonia procumbens syn. Bacopa procumbens (Baby Jump-up)
$6.00 -
Melanthera nivea (Salt and Pepper/ Snow Squarestem)
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Melica mutica (Two-flower Melic Grass)
$7.00 -
Mikania cordifolia (Heartleaf Climbing Hempweed, Guaco)
$10.00 – $20.00 -
Muhlenbergia schreberi (Nimblewill)
$5.00 -
Muhlenbergia sericea (Sweetgrass or Dune Hairgrass) SKU-MUHSER
$8.00 -
Musa (Banana)