Showing 1–16 of 20 results
Buddleja lindleayana (Weeping Butterfly Bush)
$30.00 – $50.00 -
Canna indica (Indian shot/Platanillo/Achira)
$10.00 – $20.00Heirloom Plant. Carefree. Lush leaves. Vivid Flowers. Pollinator Magnet. Shelter plant. Edible. Medicinal. Dyes. Used to make many other things. Sun/Shade Wet/Dry Salt Water Tolerant. Deer Baffle. Propagation Source: Naturalized Population, Beaufort Co., SC.
Cirsium horridulum (Yellow Thistle)
$7.00 – $12.00 -
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora “Mary Alice” ( “Mary Alice’s Montbretia”)
$12.00 -
Dicliptera brachiata (Branched Foldwing)
$7.00 – $15.00 -
Gladiolus dalenii ssp. dalenii (Parrot Gladiola)
$10.00 -
Hibiscus aculeatus (Pineland Hibiscus)
Hibiscus moscheutos (Eastern Rose-mallow) SKU-HIBMOS
$10.00 – $20.00 -
Hippeastrum x johnsonii “Apple Blossum” (“Apple Blossum” Amaryllis)
$18.00 – $30.00Heirloom Bulb. Spreads to form large patches. Pollinated by hummingbirds and butterflies. Propagated from plants in old garden Charleston Co., SC.
Hippeastrum x johnsonii (St. Joseph’s Lily or Hardy Amaryllis)
$16.00 -
Impatiens capensis ( Spotted Jewelweed or Spotted Touch-me-not) SKU-IMPCAP
$8.00 -
Ipomoea sagitatta (Saltmarsh Morning-glory)
$6.00 -
Lonicera sempervirens (Trumpet Honeysuckle)
$8.00 – $25.00 -
Lythrum lanceolatum / Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum (Southern Winged Loosestrife)
$7.00 -
Penstemon laevigatus (Eastern Smooth Beardtongue, Appalachian Beardtongue)
$8.00 – $14.00 -
Petunia x hybrida (Old-fashioned Reseeding Petunias)