Showing 33–48 of 81 results
Helianthus angustifolius (Swamp Sunflower)
$4.00 -
Helianthus microcephalus (Small-headed Sunflower)
$7.00 -
Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem Artichoke)
$6.00 -
Hibiscus aculeatus (Pineland Hibiscus)
Hibiscus moscheutos (Eastern Rose-mallow) SKU-HIBMOS
$10.00 – $20.00 -
Hyptis verticillata/ Condea verticillata (John Charles/ Yerba de San Martin)
$30.006′-8′ tall and wide heirloom perennial/shrub attracts bees, butterflies and insect. It has been used by medicinally and spiritually from the times of the Aztecs and Mayans to the present.
Ipomoea sagitatta (Saltmarsh Morning-glory)
$6.00 -
Krigia dandelion (Potato Dandelion) SKU-KRIDAN
$5.00 -
Leucanthemum vulgare (Oxeye Daisy)
$5.00 -
Melanthera nivea (Salt and Pepper/ Snow Squarestem)
$7.00 – $14.00 -
Melica mutica (Two-flower Melic Grass)
$7.00 -
Mikania cordifolia (Heartleaf Climbing Hempweed, Guaco)
$10.00 – $20.00 -
Muhlenbergia schreberi (Nimblewill)
$5.00 -
Muhlenbergia sericea (Sweetgrass or Dune Hairgrass) SKU-MUHSER
$8.00 -
Oenothera simulans aka Gaura angustifolia (Southern Beeblossum or Morning-honeysuckle)
$8.00 -
Oxalis violacea (Violet Woodsorrel) SKU-OXAVIO